
Pages For You

I begin each year with new music, blank pages, and more stories in my head than I can get on a page.

I've noticed my daughter always starts drawing on a completely blank sheet. If there is even one stray mark on a page when she finds it, she turns the page: clean, fresh paper for her little fingers to transform. Both of her grandmothers are painters and I'm always interested to watch her put colors together. No two drawings are the same.

My husband said of someone the other day, "he just needs to be given permission to be someone different than who he has been in the past." Damn. He's so so right.

We all need that.

Permission to change. To heal. To be better or just different. To find pages without stray marks. To decide which colors to use and where the center will be.

Happy New Journal. New Journey. New Year.

1 comment:

FCP said...

Beautifully written.