
Monday Inspiration

As this post from Kate Inglis of Shutter Sisters shares beneath her beautiful photograph of a butterfly:

They only live for ten hours, you know, or three days, or barely a week, or something like that, said Justin to me gently, puzzled as to why I stood there with the ailing butterfly in my hand. And I thought well then that's a lifetime, and a whole new way to think about ten hours or three days or barely a week.

You are good and beautiful and perfect, I whispered to the butterfly as he wriggled faintly, beaten by a broken wing. He seemed to be listening. You go on to be an elephant or a brook trout or a tiny baby boy, and have fantastic adventures of a whole new kind. You take your glorious yellow with you, thread it into your next soul so we all can admire it forever.

This morning I went back to the hosta and he'd been blown by the wind into its stem forest. I righted him, delicate as he was, already having lost the moisture and suppleness of life, and spoke to him again but this time he was elsewhere, and all that seemed left was just his shell.

But I know better.

Amazing isn't she?

1 comment:

tracey clark said...

she sure is amazing! : )