
Actually, I needed this

From Love Actually and from my favorite screenwriter, Richard Curtis.


Anonymous said...

We don't generally acquire DVDs, since there are so few movies/TV shows we love enough to watch more than two or three times, and our last move gave us the final word on whether or not we should be a stuff-acquiring couple. But a friend gave me Love Actually for my birthday--having heard me say several months ago that as DVDs go, it would be one I wouldn't mind having. I've watched it three times in the last week. This, I think, is proof that our friends are the best in the world.

Point two: I just imdb'd Richard Curtis and had no idea he wrote both Black Adder AND The Vicar of Dibley! Were I not so happily married and (mostly) sane, I'd drop everything to find him wherever he is in the world and convince him that we were meant to be together. I'm pretty sure if it were a quirky enough attempt that came from the heart he'd respond positively. He seems like that kind of guy.

FCP said...

Isn't Richard Curtis the best? During several recent trips to the airport, I found myself observing people and thinking the same thing. There were service men and women returning home, young kids heading to camp,and lots of families traveling to and from weddings. Some were giddy with excitement as they waited for loved ones to arrive, while others were clinging and sadly hugging goodbye; and as I observed, I found myself thinking of the John Mayer song "Wheel":

See it all the time
With someone's last goodbye
Blends in with someone's sigh
Cause someone's coming home...

And if you never stop
when you wave goodbye
You just might find if you give it time
You will wave hello again
You just might wave hello again
And that's the way this
wheel keeps working...

I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give
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