
A Lovely Essay to Share

I blog for Skirt! and stumbled upon this great essay by Emily Patterson and thought I would share. She poses a nice challenge at the end where she writes:

"Let’s reach out to other women – of all ages. Let’s leave our comfort zone and talk to the woman in the coffee store and the mom in the check-out line. Let’s create community for ourselves. As we stride forward in our busy lives, modern feminists in every sense of the word, let’s not leave behind the skill bequeathed us by centuries of earlier women: that of nurturing female relationships. And maybe next time, when a neighbor moves in next door, you will bolster your courage and bring over a meatloaf and some conversation. Or at least some instant brownies. After all, who has time?"

1 comment:

stephanie said...

OH. I love it. I put on my blog. It's just what I needed.