
Inspiration for the treadmill

In my house, most sporting events go unnoticed.

We have to be told when it's the NBA playoffs, and usually find out who is playing in the Superbowl in the newspaper the day before.

But when Olympic swimming qualifying rounds are televised, we might as well have painted faces. My husband and I both swam competitively growing up. He swam at the collegiate level. We have been jumping up and down tonight watching Dara Torres swim.

This article from the NY Times
explains her history, but the brief summary is that she's 41, mom of a 2-year-old, has retired twice, and is breaking records. This photo is going above my treadmill.

photo from the NY Times

The article (which includes the coolest interactive about her stretching routine) points out that women's bodies are STRONGER and more BALANCED after having a baby (no one ever tells you that) and that many athletes peak later in their career.

This gives me infinite inspiration. Age is just a number. What you do with your number is your business. Hell yes. Rock Beijing Dara!


Anonymous said...

Tiffany, this is so funny. I cut out the same photo and hung it on my bathroom mirror! If she can look like that at 41, I can ... well, I won't ever look like that... but I can TRY.


{The Christian's} said...

I have never been into swimming but I loved watching the televised trial too! It was so exciting!

Great picture...I think I will plaster it above my treadmill as well!