
Where Would I Be Without Blogs?

I just have no idea. They breathe fresh, clean O2 into every workday. One of my favorites, brilliant Grimsaburger blogged a while back about Pandora Radio. It's life changing. I'll share.

Go to Pandora.com
Type in an artist you like.
Pandora will start playing music that you will like. If you don't, give it a thumbs up or down (sort of like TiVo recommendations) and it will adjust. Awesome.
A personal radio station finding cool things for you, just you, that you would need 12 cool college radio DJs to find otherwise.

Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I suggest you replace "brilliant" with "occasionally insightful, but well-nigh intolerably whiny"?


and thank you for the lovely compliment...