

Years ago, one of my professors wrote in the margin of my essay, "This starts out as a real humdinger, but then sort of fizzles out." Such has been my week. Yours too?

I hope to spend the weekend solely on loving up my family and creative pursuits. This weekend, I declare with my sword high in the air, will be humdingers only! Right? Something exciting, inspiring, creative. Something fresh and new and colorful!

This week's inspiration links are these:

The coolest challenge from Ali Edwards. I just love the concept. Her posts this week are serene and lovely. There are several others out there inspired by the challenge who have documented the beauty of every day in their lives too. I may have to do this...next week.

Halloween Photo Tips from Photojojo.

29 Gifts in 29 Days- This challenge asks us all to give away one thing per day for 29 days. The gift can be anything: time, money, an object, and at least one thing that you think you can't live without. I love this.

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